4 Kinds of DNA for Genetic Genealogy


DNAeXplained - Genetic Genealogy

There seems to be a lot of confusion about the different “kinds” of DNA and how they can be used for genetic genealogy.

It used to be simple.  When this “industry” first started, in the year 2000, you could test two kinds of DNA and it was straightforward.  Now we’ve added more DNA, more tools and more testing companies and it’s not quite so straightforward anymore.

Here’s a basics primer.

1. Y-line DNA – tests the Y chromosome which is passed from father to son, along, in most cases, with the surname.  Only men can test for this, because only men have a Y chromosome, leaving female genealogists with Y chromosome envy, having to go and beg their fathers, brothers, uncles and male cousins to test for the surnames in question.  We compare the results of the Y chromosome test between males to see if they match and are related in a…

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